In the News: From the Director: Last fall, I wrote about our first Global Health and Climate Change workshop that involved multiple Core members and which was sponsored by Harvard’s Salata institute. In June, we held a second Climate Change and Health Workshop, this time as one of the inaugural 2024 Harvard Global Health Institute’s…Continue Reading Second Climate Change & Health Workshop
New Area of Focus: Our Climate and Health Work
In the News: From the Director: By the end of March 2023, the impacts of climate change resonated deeply within the network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that we work with. In Malawi and Madagascar, Cyclone Freddy had a profound effect on areas where Partners in Health and Pivot operate, respectively. They faced an increase in…Continue Reading New Area of Focus: Our Climate and Health Work
Mathematical Modeling Course in Rwanda
From the Director: This month, some of our team has been conducting a course in Rwanda on the mathematical modeling of infectious diseases. The course was funded by a grant from the US Centers for Disease Control and is designed to increase familiarity in the principles and practice of epidemic modeling and its role in…Continue Reading Mathematical Modeling Course in Rwanda
Transforming Universities for Equity and Impact in Global Health
Transforming Universities for Equity and Impact in Global Health CUGH Virtual Satellite SessionApril 6, 2023, 9am-12pm EDT Registration: Click Here Please email for more information:…Continue Reading Transforming Universities for Equity and Impact in Global Health