Category: Climate Health

Second Climate Change & Health Workshop

Presenter standing up with powerpoint in background

In the News: From the Director: Last fall, I wrote about our first Global Health and Climate Change workshop that involved multiple Core members and which was sponsored by Harvard’s Salata institute. In June, we held a second Climate Change and Health Workshop, this time as one of the inaugural 2024 Harvard Global Health Institute’s…Continue Reading Second Climate Change & Health Workshop

New Area of Focus: Our Climate and Health Work

Workshop participants talking around large table

In the News: From the Director: By the end of March 2023, the impacts of climate change resonated deeply within the network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that we work with. In Malawi and Madagascar, Cyclone Freddy had a profound effect on areas where Partners in Health and Pivot operate, respectively. They faced an increase in…Continue Reading New Area of Focus: Our Climate and Health Work